A Tailored Approach to Business Insurance

Covering businesses right across Australia, we have the expertise to guide you through the complex process of protecting you or your business with insurance, which we have done for our many valued clients for the past 40 years.

You are an expert in your field & not insurance so engage MIB to explain the intricacies of insurance to you in a way that will enable you to make the most informed decisions possible.


Why Do I Need Business Insurance?

The following examples might assist….

You are a manufacturer and a critical machine on your assembly line breaks down
- Machinery Breakdown Insurance will cover that.

You operate a restaurant and one of your freezers or refrigerators breaks down on a Sunday night after closing and you don’t find out until Tuesday morning
- Spoilage of Stock Insurance will cover that.

Your business premises experiences a fire. You have insurances that cover the damage to the building, stock and equipment, but your business will be unable to operate, or will be severely affected by the fire impacting your revenue
- Business Interruption Insurance will cover that, allaying the costs of renting temporary premises and equipment.

Your engineer falls ill during the preparation of a large tender response and is unable to complete the technical aspects of your offer which is due in two months
- Key Person Insurance will enable you to quickly hire a replacement to complete the tender.

You are a plumber and a thief has just stolen all of your tools from your vehicle and you are unable to work
-Tools of Trade Insurance will alleviate the cost of replacing the tools and you can get back on the job quickly.

You have just received notification from the Taxation Department that your company is to be audited and you will need to pay your accountant and bookkeeper to prepare all the records they require
- Tax Audit Insurance will provide the funds needed for this.

Melbourne Insurance Brokers can help you with organising cover for all these scenarios

Business Insurance Products include:

– Professional Indemnity Insurance
– Public Liability Insurance
– Products Liability Insurance
– Business Interruption Insurance
– Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance
– Management Liability Insurance
– Burglary Insurance
– Association Liability Insurance
– Tax Audit Insurance
– Motor Fleet Insurance
– Commercial Property Insurance
– Key Person Insurance
– Machinery Breakdown Insurance
– Spoilage Of Stock Insurance
– Tools Of Trade Insurance