Motor Fleet Insurance

Motor Fleet Insurance caters for businesses with ten or more vehicles and provides many additional benefits above those provided by standard Commercial Motor Insurance. These extra benefits include automatic cover for newly purchased vehicles and excess-free cover for windscreens.

Vehicles that may be covered by business fleet insurance include:

– The business owner’s personal cars
– Vehicles driven by senior management
– Vehicles driven by sales reps
– Heavy transport vehicles
– Mobile plant and equipment.


Driving Your Business Forward

Let’s face it; insurance can be confusing, make you head spin and if things don’t turn out as you anticipate, stress-inducing. That’s why it’s so important to work with a broker who understands your needs and knows what type of cover best suits your needs.

Just about every business relies on motor vehicles to varying degrees so it is vitally important to make sure the cover you have fits the requirements and demands of your business.

What Is Commercial Motor Insurance?

Most of us are aware that motor insurance provides cover for both the vehicle being driven and for any property that might be damaged as a result of an accident, be that another vehicle or property. Of course any injury suffered in an accident falls into the TAC sphere.

Accidents happen and for business owners injury is the main concern. However, after injury, business concerns must be considered and mitigated, limiting any down time so that the operation of the business flows as smoothly as possible.

MIB can help identify what is important to you and organise your cover accordingly. And of course we help out at claim time when stress levels can peak! More details follow or you can call us today.

What Types of Coverage Are Available?

Commercial motor insurance tends to come in three common levels of coverage: third-party only, third-party, fire and theft (TPF&T), or comprehensive. Third-party only covers the damage to other people’s property your vehicle caused following an accident. This coverage tends to be the least expensive option.

TPF&T adds the protection of vehicles damaged by fire or if stolen. Comprehensive insurance cover provides both of the above plus damage to your own vehicle. This is the most common form of insurance and dearer than the other two restricted covers.

Tailoring cover to your needs

Aside from the type of cover, other factors to consider include where is your vehicle going to be repaired? Insurers are becoming increasingly stringent that repairs only be undertaken at panel shops they specify.

Other factors to consider may include excess free windscreens, hire vehicle benefits, finance gap payments & more.

There are more things to consider than most people realise when organising MV cover so talk to us today to ensure you have the right cover for your needs.